Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Your mirrored image is the you that you see in reflection only, this is not your true self. Your mirrored image is not as the you that is seen by all others, it is reversed, distorted and filtered. So heed in the idea that you know yourself as others know you based solely on your reflection. For your true self-awareness you must believe-in only what is reflected by others who are distinct from your beliefs, and not from your worldly thoughts you collect while seeing the mirrored version of self. 

Even though an infant can see her body as she scratches that which itches knowing it is her body that itches, as well see those things as she reaches for objects in her environment as distinct from self, the infant is not fully aware of self in the whole of consciousness. This concept and practice only comes in time, with patience and much mind-effort.

So work to keep free of imagination and of past thoughts of images that seemed to be real when truly seeing and decidedly knowing self.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

 I, I, I declare and move:

 There is One God, the Eternal, the Only Being; none exists save He.

Think not of the self but aim to the divine truths, walk in the path of love and light.

In God there is perfection, yet know thee that this is not dismissible. This is truth, from him to you, as medicine to the patient.

Truth is the divine compass by which righteousness steers the ship to the shores of immortality.

The God-ideal is to you as a lift by which there is rise and direction to the eternal goal, the attainment of which is the only purpose of this life.

There is One Master, the Guiding Spirit of all Souls, Who constantly leads His followers towards the light.
Understand that God is the source. The maker of which is all thought, knowledge, inspiration, and guidance, yet man is an imparted medium.

Although the tongue of God is busy speaking through all things, yet in order to speak to the deaf ears of many among us, it is necessary for Him to speak through the lips of man.

It is the mature soul that draws blessings from the heavens, and God speaks through that soul.
Those who saw the person and knew Him recognized Him in whatever form or guise; those who could only see the coat went astray.

There is only one Teacher and He comes consistently to awaken humanity from the slumber of this life of illusion, and to guide man onwards towards divine perfection.

Recognize the Master who is One, not only in the holy ones, but in the wise, in the foolish, in the saint and in the sinner. See ye the light, the torch of Truth, so you may learn from the young and old, educated and uneducated, rich and poor.

The Master who is One alone, and the only One who can be and who ever will and shall be, as light and truth, so you can see and know. See the light in all that is manifest and know the truth from these things.

See the vision of God, the worshipped deity, in His immanence, manifest in nature, and life now becomes for you a perfect revelation both within and without. Your seeing of Him in this way, through nature, is your pathway to understanding all things. Nature is truth in its glory.

Be cautious in separating yourself from others by clinging to the personality of a particular belief, religion or teacher, while claiming superiority over others.

Manifested among the children of God there is a faculty for art, music, poetry and science. So too then, through our expressions of such things,  we are the instruments of the divine.

So it is that in Him is the faculty of nature. Be ye of those natural things so your doings are truly a manifestation of the intended.  

This spirit has always existed, and must always exist; and in this way there is only one true to the divine Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature, the only scripture which can enlighten the reader or seer.